Bake Off 2025

This year, Foundation Fostering is raising finds for SANDS – a baby loss charity who help bereaved families after a death of a baby and campaign for better care and research.

We did a ‘bake off’ as our first charity event of 2025, where we raised a whopping £635!

We had three categories – under 10, over 10 and adults – which were judged blind. The standard of baking was amazing and you didn’t make it easy for the judges to decide a winner!


Fostering Support at Foundation Fostering

At Foundation Fostering we understand that whilst fostering is very rewarding it is also challenging. That’s why we’re committed to running events like this so that our fostering network get the opportunity to build relationships within the community.

If you’re interested in being a foster carer or are already one and are interested in the support we offer at Foundation Fostering, contact us today to find out more about our company, we’d love to chat to you!



Our families and our staff all came together again to enjoy adventures at Blackwell Adventure Park, where the children and young people tried their hands at raft building and kayaking.  The team spirit shone through and some of these activities were quite challenging.

Fostering Support At Foundation Fostering

At Foundation Fostering we understand that whilst fostering is very rewarding it is also challenging. That’s why we’re committed to running events like this so that our fostering network get the opportunity to build relationships within the community.

If you’re interested in being a foster carer or are already one and are interested in the support we offer at Foundation Fostering, contact us today to find out more about our company, we’d love to chat to you!

A man in pyjamas with a young girl also in pyjamas sitting on his knee whilst they are both looking at a tablet he is holding and another man is sitting with them.


Every three years The Fostering Network conducts the State of the Nation’s Foster Care survey to produce a reliable insight into fostering in the UK; the objective is to identify areas of good practice and understand where improvements are needed. This is the fourth time the survey has been conducted and, for the first time, fostering service members were also surveyed.

Foundation Fostering recognises the importance of this national research and is committed to listening and reacting to any industry research in order that we can improve our services and support both to our foster children and their carers in every way possible.  

The 2021 report highlighted the importance of foster carers terms and conditions in order to ensure the best possible outcomes for the children they look after in relation to support and allowances.  At Foundation Fostering we pride ourselves on providing generous allowances that provide for the full costs for caring for a foster child or young person, including understanding the skills and expertise the foster carers provide and tailoring support for each individual family, recognising the value they provide on an ongoing basis.

We also have a comprehensive annual learning and development programme.  Foundation Fostering prides itself in the commitment, duty, and legal obligation to ensure that our foster carers receive the training and development to support, enhance and enable them to grow in the role alongside children and young people who share their families. 

Our continuous support and discussions with our foster families ensures all needs are being met and these meetings and discussions allow us to listen and consult with the families in order to provide the best solutions and support for better outcomes.


During the Easter holidays, carers, children and staff enjoyed an Easter Egg hunt alongside other fun activities including making Easter bonnets, an Easter quiz and various crafts followed by a picnic in the park.  

The event was a great success allowing everyone to meet again, chat and relax and all enjoyed spending some time together with the Foundation Fostering Community.

Fostering Support At Foundation Fostering

At Foundation Fostering we understand that whilst fostering is very rewarding it is also challenging. That’s why we’re committed to running events like this so that our fostering network get the opportunity to build relationships within the community.

If you’re interested in being a foster carer or are already one and are interested in the support we offer at Foundation Fostering, contact us today to find out more about our company, we’d love to chat to you!


During the Easter holidays we enjoyed a trip to a working farm situated in Bewdley. Carers and staff participated in several activities including a scavenger hunt and craft activities.

We all really look forward to these outings where everyone works together as a team and supports each other to complete some of the activities.  It gives everyone a chance to meet, chat and enjoy the outdoors.

Fostering Support At Foundation Fostering

At Foundation Fostering we understand that whilst fostering is very rewarding it is also challenging. That’s why we’re committed to running events like this so that our fostering network gets the opportunity to build relationships within the community.

If you’re interested in being a foster carer or are already one and are interested in the support we offer at Foundation Fostering, contact us today to find out more about our company, we’d love to chat to you!



 Ian Taylor is the dedicated Therapeutic lead within the Agency.  Ian has over thirty years’ experience of working within the children and family’s services sector including fostering and adoption, therapeutic communities, adolescent forensic settings and frontline social work.

Ian’s passion has always been to work alongside children and their families.  He qualified as a social worker and works as a trauma-informed and therapeutic practitioner with extensive direct practice, experience, training and grounding in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP) and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS).

Ian as a child was raised, supported and found membership within a substitute family and he has the highest regard for the contribution to children and young people made by the fostering community.  Ian says “to work in partnership and alongside the family care you provide is a privilege and I am so excited to be a part of Foundation Fostering.”

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